I just discovered this wonderful sweater pattern in the issue #65 of Simply Knitting. This magazine has become one of my favorites. The patterns are just detailed enough to make them special and yet they are not too difficult. The gauge and yarn information is very clear.
The yarn that I’m using has been in my stash for one year. It’s yarn from the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival from Bartlett Yarns. I wound the yarn today and yes, I actually did a swatch. I even washed it and now it’s drying on a towel. The yarn took to water beautifully and seems to softening up nicely.
This is the first sweater I’ve seen in a while that has truly excited me. The shape seems perfect for spring, summer, and even the fall. I hope I finish this quickly as I’d like to wear it this season.And here’s my Multinomah Shawl in progress. I’m using the yarn that I bought a few weeks ago. It’s Claudia Hand Painted Merino. This yarn is a pleasure to work with and I’m sorry but the picture does not really show the beauty of the colorway. I’ll try to get a better picture when it’s finished. The pattern is knitting up quickly. The edge is my very favorite feather and fan. Since I took this picture, I’ve done 7 repeats. The original pattern calls for 10 repeats but I’ve decided to keep going. I’ll probably stop at 16 repeats. Hope to finish the shawl this week so that I can concentrate on the New Leaf Sweater.